

Braces are dental tools to help improve the alignment of your teeth. As you wear them, they slowly straighten your teeth to improve your bite.

Clear Aligners

Aligners work similar to braces except they are worn in a series and have to be frequently changed as each one creates a different movement of your teeth.

Pre-Implant Orthodontics

If you are about to receive dental implants, it is often necessary to place the teeth in a more ideal position prior to implant placement.


Retainers help hold your teeth in place. Maybe you have lost yours from previous treatment, or maybe you want to insure they do not shift from their current position. Some retainers can make minor movements to place a tooth back into position.

Habit correction

As cute as it may look. A thumb or finger habit can be very damaging to the teeth and bite. If corrected early, usually the long term effects aren't permanent.

White Spot Removal

Did you have braces in the past and discoloration remained on the teeth due to decalcification? We have a treatment that can reduce and in some cases eliminate the appearance of enamel scarring still present on the teeth.

Orthodontic Records

 Your Orthodontic Records give us the foundation to putting that treatment plan together. We look comprehensively at the entire oral-facial complex. Our assessments look at how you are growing or developed, how your teeth are growing or developed, and your breathing airway. How you breathe, sleep, eat, and speak all have a relationship with your teeth.
